Listing Prep
MLS History Photos
CMA - MLS, Immap(off market) and RPR (off Market)
Search for Additional Properties owned
What type of listing appointment? FSBO - Expired - Cold Call
Create Urgency through Discovery
First things First…what are the plans?
Don’t forget Home vs Property
Where are you moving to?
When would You like to Be there?
Have you purchased?
Tell me more about that…
Are you buying cash or Financing? (Interest Rates and timing)
Do you need to cash out in order to buy?
Staying In State? Portability Talk about it when the time comes
Questions to answers I already know…
What additions if any have you done…(addressing Value)
Have you updated anything? Roof Kitchen Bathrooms.
How long have you lived here….Portability and memories
What do you think your home is worth?
Why are they selling